Model Assembly

The model assembler is used to create a single semantic model from a set of model artifacts. The assembler uses a file type registry to identify different representations and how to load them. Additionally, the assembler will process paths specified in a typical search path environment variable.


The following is the simple, and most common, method of using the assembler. This uses the default FileTypeRegistry and will search for all models in the set of paths specified in the environment variable “SMITHY_PATH“.

fn main() {
use atelier_assembler::ModelAssembler;
use atelier_core::error::Result;
use atelier_core::model::Model;
use std::convert::TryFrom;

let env_assembler = ModelAssembler::default();

let model: Result<Model> = Model::try_from(env_assembler);

The next example turns off the search path handling entirely (the None passed to the new function) and then adds a single directory to the assembler.

fn main() {
use atelier_assembler::{FileTypeRegistry, ModelAssembler};
use atelier_core::error::Result;
use atelier_core::model::Model;
use std::convert::TryFrom;

let mut assembler = ModelAssembler::new(FileTypeRegistry::default(), None);


let model: Result<Model> = Model::try_from(assembler);