
  1. Each model is an RDF resource, it’s identifier may be an IRI or blank node.

  2. The model resource MUST have a property rdf:type with the IRI value smithy:Model.

  3. The model resource MUST have a property smithy:smithy_version with a literal string value representing the Smithy version used to define the model.

     a smithy:Model ;
     smithy:smithy_version "1.0" .
  4. ForEach shape in the model the model resource MUST have a property, named smithy:metadata with a value which is the identifier of a top-level shape resource.

      a smithy:Model ;
      smithy:smithy_version "1.0" ;
      smithy:shape <urn:smithy:example.motd:Date> .
  5. The model resource MAY have a property, named smithy:metadata that is treated as an Object value and generated according to the Value rules.

      a smithy:Model ;
      smithy:smithy_version "1.0" ;
      smithy:shape <urn:smithy:example.motd:Date> ;
      smithy:metadata [
        a rdf:Bag
        rdf:_1 [
          smithy:key "domain" ;
          smithy:value "identity" ;
      ] .